The objects you have will be infinitely more flexible. A chair will morph into ashes or anything else you want through a new technology known as claytronics. Electronics is essentially going to create a new media type. Way back from the telephone, we've had audio which allowed us to send voice, and then we had video which allowed us to send voice and pictures. So with claytronics, the idea is that we could send not just sound and picture, but actually the 3D shape itself. Seth Goldstein, a professor at Carnegie Mellon, is one of the developers of claytronics. Claytronics is a form of programmable matter. It's a collection of submillimeter computers. Essentially, these tiny programmable computers are called Katims (claytronic atoms). Just like atoms are the building blocks of everything in the universe, Katims are the basic units of claytronics. Put enough of these Katims together, give them a command, and they can assemble themselves into just about anything you want. Imagine that each one of these little pieces of lead is a Cadillac. Later on, academ, so it's a computer that can move around, communicate with other computers, change color, and then it works together with all the other units to have some global effect. One of the challenges of claytronics is keeping these mini computers attached to one another. All of these robots are using electrostatic forces to hold the robots together. This is the same kind of thing that happens when you take a balloon and you rub it on your hair and you put it on the wall. Then there's the challenge of figuring out the right program. One of the ways to view the programming problem of claytronics is how we get what I call "ensemble behavior", getting all of the individual units to cooperate...
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