Music, hi there and welcome to Coaching Minute Monday. I'm Jennifer Fletcher, President and Founder of Christian Coach Institute. It's good to have you here today. I have a passion for helping coaches become highly competent, confident, and fiercely courageous so that you can step out and launch a successful and thriving coaching business and ministry. You can really do the work that you feel God is calling you to do and make a difference in this world. I use my Coaching Minute Mondays to either share some tips and techniques or to answer questions that come in. So, today's question is just ecumene in a nutshell: Janice, will you spell out the requirements for ICF certification? So yes, I am literally going to spell out the certification for ICF for you today on our Coaching Minute Monday. So thank you to those who just joined us and for those who may be listening to the replay. I'm Janice Laura Fletcher, Founder and President of Christian Coach Institute, and this is Coaching Minute Monday. The question that came in again is, in a nutshell, will you spell out how to be certified by the ICF? It's good to see you, Tracey, and I see Dawn out there as well. So let's get started, and for those who stay until the end, I do have a summary that I'm happy to send to you as well. So for the purpose of this broadcast, what I'm going to do is first give you the ICF page where you would go if you wanted to do some research. And I'm on the Coach Federation org website, Once you arrive, you would go to "individual credentialing". Now, for the purpose of this broadcast, I'm really going to focus on the Associate Certified Coach (ACC),...
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing When Form 8453 S Certification