Well, if you think about the position of a treasurer, he is the interface between the company and the financial industry outside. So, he is very influenced by the regulation of that financial industry and is very concerned about the ability of the financial services industry to provide what he needs. If you think about internally inside the company, the company is, of course, subject to Companies Act regulation and other regulations. It has its own impact from things like the listing rules out there in the financial world, and the treasurer is influenced by all of that. The treasurer is also the man who, whenever a borrowing is rolled, represents to the lender that all is well in the company, that there are no breaches of covenants, and that the good governance of the company continues. This is a matter of his own good faith, so he is very concerned with what the company is doing across a wide range of things. Then, of course, he has the day job, which is about risk management and funding within the company. It's financial strategy, and financial strategy is a component of the overall business strategy of the company. So, the treasurer has a huge wide range of interests, even if the person doing that job is not called a treasurer, and the association of corporate treasurers has to speak for the treasurers across that range.
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